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Milestones & Awards

2020 - FBC Bank- Overall Best Corporate Governance Disclosures by a Banking Institution- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe( ICSAZ)
2020 - FBC Bank crowned overall winner, Banks and Banking Survey 2020
2020 - FBC Bank has been awarded the Best Digital Bank- Digital Banker Africa (DBA).
2020 - Best Mobile Banking Awards- Digital Banker Africa (DBA).
2020 - MicroPlan - Winner Service Excellence Award Microfinance Sector - Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe (CCAZ)
2020 - FBC Holdings- Winner Most Innovative Organisation - Contact Centre Association of Zimbabwe( CCAZ)
2020 - FBC Bank- Best Banking Board Governance Practices- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe( ICSAZ)
2020 - FBC Bank -Best Banking Risk Management Practices- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Zimbabwe (ICSAZ)
2019 - FBC Bank scooped the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administration of Zimbabwe (ICSAZ) Overall Winner Best Governed Banking Institution.
2019 - FBC Bank scooped the ICSAZ Overall Winner Risk and Internal Control Reporting Award.
2019 - FBC Bank was recognised as one of the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) Top 20 Business to Business Superbrands.
2019 - FBC Insurance’s Usage Based Insurance Service (MyDrive) won the First Runner Up Innovative Product Award in the Business Weekly Inaugural Consumer Insurance Awards.
2019 - MyDrive also won the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) Second Runner Up Best New Product or Innovation of the Year Award in the Exceptional Marketing Awards 2019.
2019 - The Most Financially stable Micro Finance Institution
2019 - The Fastest Growing Micro Finance Institution
2019 - The Most Exceptional customer-centric Micro Finance Institution
2019 - The first runner up in the Most Digitised & innovative Micro Finance Institution.
2019 - FBC Holdings won the Institute of People Management of Zimbabwe (IPMZ) 1st Runner Up People Development and Impact Award 2018.
2019 - FBC Holdings was recognised as one of the nation’s Top Five Listed Companies in The Zimbabwe Independent 2018 Quoted Companies Survey (QCS).
2019 - FBC Bank scooped the Most Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility Programme of the Year Award in the 2019 Banks and Banking Survey.
2018 - FBC Holdings won the Institute of People Management of Zimbabwe (IPMZ) HR Technology award.
2018 - Microplan won the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce(ZNCC) Matabeleland Region 1st Runner- Up Enterprise Development Award
2018 - Microplan also established a sterling record as the first local firm to receive the Smart Campaign Certification in Zimbabwe this year.
2018 - Most Client Focused and Socially Responsible MFI
2018 - Most Innovative Use of ICT by an MFI
