
15 February 2017

Economic conditions in a country determine the quality of clients that banks will acquire. In stable economies, bank clients are of good quality and credit culture is well established in society.

13 February 2017

The World Bank has appointed Paul Noumba Um as the new country director for seven African countries including Zimbabwe.

27 January 2017

The World Bank has forecast strong gains for metals and commodities in 2017 due to tightening supply and strengthening demand, which could boost African economies that rely on raw commodity exports.

27 January 2017

THE Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries will approach Government with draft legislation to push for the adoption of the South African rand over the US dollar as the main transacting currency.

26 January 2017

VISA will next month introduce its National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) in Zimbabwe that will allow client banks to settle domestic US dollar-denominated Visa transactions locally.

22 January 2017

GETTING rid of much of the cash in circulation might be an effective way to reduce inequality.

19 January 2017

Three missions from a World Bank-administered trust fund are in the country to help Zimbabwe improve its business environment climate, support reform of State-owned enterprises and efforts to strengthen the poverty and equity focus of public spend

19 January 2017

The value of transactions processed through point of sale terminals grew 23 percent in December to $550 million from $446 million in November as Zimbabweans continue to increase their usage of plastic money.

12 January 2017

The World Bank has painted a more optimistic picture in respect of Zimbabwe’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth this year, projecting it at 3, 8 percent.

11 January 2017

The moment a person receives income they are usually faced with two options, to either spend it all or use part of the money and save the rest. Once they decide to put aside a portion, they will have made a decision to save.
