
27 June 2016

GOVERNMENT expects to inject $50 million in bond notes into the economy by the end of year despite resistance from the general public.

27 June 2016

Most Government departments, parastatals and State-owned enterprises have embraced transactions in multiple currencies, while plastic money accounts for 80 percent of transactions in urban areas. This is expected to relieve pressure on the United

21 June 2016

The retail sector has embraced the proposed introduction of bond notes and the use of plastic money as a panacea to the current cash shortages bedeviling the economy. 

20 June 2016

ZIMBABWE is targeting to be in the top 100 of the Ease of Doing Business global rankings apart from an increased number of foreign and local investors.

20 June 2016

RETAILERS have recorded an over 50% increase in the use of plastic money since the cash shortages surfaced asome months ago, the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) has said.

20 June 2016

Banks will start issuing the South African rand and seven other currencies on July 1, 2016 and will process Real Time Gross Settlements using that regime from tomorrow (Monday).

20 June 2016

GOVERNMENT’s aggressive pursuit to simplify business processes is coming to fruition, with revelations that the number of days it takes to start a business has since been reduced from 90 to 13.There are plans to reduce them further to between one

20 June 2016

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has assembled a crack team to compel all businesses to bank their money in line with a strategy to enhance cash circulation in the formal system.

17 June 2016

The use of plastic money in Zimbabwe has surged by over 400 percent during the past month as the country grapples with cash shortages, the Senate heard on Thursday.
