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Zero Rating FAQs

What is Zero Rating?

Zero Rating means not charging customers data when they use specific apps or websites. FBC is making its digital platforms free to use, even when you do not have mobile data or WIFI.

Which FBC Apps are Zero rated?

You can use any of the following apps or websites without an internet connection:
  • Mobile Moola App
  • Internet Banking 
  • Zipit Smart/ Mobile Moola Merchant
  • FBC Health App
  • FBC Mastercard App
  • YakO!Agent Portal 
  • YakO! App

What are the Terms and Conditions?

  • You will only need data to make the initial download of the apps, however, you will not need data to transact.
  • Zero Rating is currently only available to Econet Subscribers. Other mobile networks will be added in due course.

What happens if I face challenges?

  • You can contact our 24 hour Customer Experience unit for assistance on any of the platforms listed below:
  • Landlines – 0242 761198 & 704481/2 
  • WhatsApp numbers – 0772152647 / 0772419693 / 0732152647
  • Toll free – 080 800 25/6 or 220 (Econet numbers only)
  • Email – help@fbc.co.zw
  • Twitter - @FBCHoldings
  • Facebook – FBC Holdings